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Courses and Curriculum

As a student in the Bachelor of Science in Sport and Entertainment Management, you will get a jumpstart in your career from day one. This interdisciplinary program not only provides the foundation for working in the sport and entertainment industry, but also teaches you essential business principles that will help you in the future. While your classroom courses will play an essential role in your program, you won’t only be learning from textbooks and lectures. At the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM), we emphasize the importance of working in the real world—before graduation. The Center for Student Services, STHM’s in-house advising unit, provides individualized support for course sequences, elective options, registration, financial aid assistance, scheduling, and academic resources. As a result, you will be well equipped to make well-informed decisions regarding your education and future.

Required Courses | 77 Credits

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Sport and Entertainment Management are required to complete 38 credits of STHM foundation courses, 12 credits of Fox School of Business courses,21 credits of Sport and Entertainment Management major courses, and 6 credits of major electives.

Foundation Requirements | 38 Credits
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Sport and Recreation Management are required to complete 24 credits of STHM foundation courses, 13 credits of Fox School of Business courses and 27 credits of Sport and Recreation Management major courses.
The Business of Leisure | 3 Credits | STHM 1113
This course is an introduction to the nature, scope, and significance of leisure. The course will address the history, conceptual foundations, and socio-cultural dimensions of play, recreation, sport, tourism, hospitality, and leisure; the significance of play, recreation, sport, tourism, hospitality, and leisure in contemporary society and throughout the life span; the interrelationship between leisure behavior and the natural environment; the motivational basis for play, recreation, sport, tourism, hospitality, and leisure behavior; concepts of time, work, and leisure; leisure around the world; patterns of leisure involvement; and the issues, trends, challenges, and the future of leisure.

Leisure & Tourism in a Diverse Society | 3 Credits | STHM 2114
This course emphasizes leisure, sport, recreation, tourism, and hospitality services for a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-ethnic society, as well as for persons with disabilities. As the course explores the significance of play, recreation, and leisure throughout the life span, it will focus on the impact of leisure delivery systems on diverse populations within our society. Implications of personal biases will be a thread throughout the course.

Internship I | 3 Credits | STHM 3185
Students will be assigned to an industry agency to complete 180 hours of professional experience. The agency will be selected through cooperation between the student, the School Internship Coordinator and an agency supervisor.

Senior Professional Development Seminar | 3 Credits | STHM 4112
The purpose of this class is to expose the students to a model of organizational structure in the sport, recreation, tourism, hospitality, and leisure services profession through simulated experiences. The class is designed with a president, departments, and staff roles. These roles are designed to represent the interactions that take place with various constituencies needed to enhance sport, recreation, tourism, and hospitality education and opportunities.

Internship II | 12 Credits | STHM 4185
After having completed the student’s last semester of classes, and the student must complete 600 hours with an industry agency. NOTE: The requirements of this experience are addressed in the School’s senior internship manual (which is distributed in STHM 4112).

Fox School of Business Requirements I 12 credits
Marketing Management | 3 Credits | MKTG 2101
Introduction to the role of marketing in the U.S. economy and within the firm. The interaction of marketing with other business functions and with society. The course focuses on the components of marketing strategy including analyzing what markets and needs the firm will serve; deciding when, where, and how the firm will meet these needs; and understanding why (i.e., a compelling business reason) the firm should implement a strategy. Includes the study of marketing mix development issues, including product development and management; pricing; integrated communications and promotion; distribution, logistics, and supply-chain management; as well as other decisions involved in this process.

Leadership and Organizational Management | 3 Credits | HRM 1101
This course prepares students to address the challenges of leading high performing organizations. Students will examine the enablers of principled organizational leadership and performance. Course topics include leadership, change management, decision-making, culture, team building, organizational structure and control, communication, social responsibility and sustainability, motivation, human resource management, and globalization.

Survey of Accounting | 3 Credits | ACCT 2501
This is an introductory course that will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of financial accounting and managerial accounting. Financial accounting information is produced, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). It reports the results of operations to external users (suppliers, customers, investors, regulatory agencies, etc.). Managerial accounting information is produced, in response to specific management needs. It does not follow GAAP. Managerial accounting reports the results of operations of an entity consistent with the needs of internal users (managers, supervisors, etc.). The first half of this course focuses on the accounting cycle, the structure of the financial statements, and profitability analysis. The second half of the course focuses on decision making based on accounting data. Tools for analysis and the ability to apply those tools to various data sets will be developed. NOTE: There is no expectation that students should possess prior accounting knowledge.

Macroeconomic Principles | 3 Credits | ECON 1101
An introductory course in macroeconomics. Topics include business cycles, inflation, unemployment, banking, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, and economic growth.

Excel for Business Applications | 1 Credit | EA 2104
The purpose of this online course is to prepare you to use Excel as a tool for solving business problems. You may be familiar with Excel but this course focuses on tools and Excel features that will specifically prepare you for your business courses, job interviews and for your professional life. You will learn how to use Excel efficiently, how to create formulas, use functions, produce and format charts, create reports and Pivot Tables, and use what-if-analysis for managerial decision making.

Major Requirements | 21 Credits
Sport & Society | 3 Credits | SRM 1211
This course is an introduction to the nature, scope, and significance of the total field of sport and recreation management. The course will address the benefits of sport and recreation, the problem areas facing sport and recreation management, the socio-cultural dimensions of sport and recreation as they relate to sport and recreation management, the relationship between sport and recreation behavior and the natural environment, the evolution of the sport and recreation management profession, the institutional basis for the sport and recreation movement in the United States, the governance of sport, career opportunities in sport and recreation management, professional organizations, the roles of professional sport and recreation managers, ethical behavior and ethical codes in sport and recreation management, and current issues and trends in sport and recreation.

Organizational Strategy in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 3128
This course focuses on the strategic challenges confronting firms that compete in the global economy within the sport and recreation industries. It provides students a forum in which to apply and integrate business theories, practices and skills in a global environment. The course examines opportunities for entrepreneurs in the industry through business plan development.

Management in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 3211
Provides the knowledge required to formulate and manage effectively the resources in a sport or recreation operation. Human resource administration will be a major focus; managerial history, organizational needs, job designs, recruitment process, hiring/firing process, discipline and grievance procedures, motivation and performance appraisals are included. The course will expose the students to the additional associated management functions of budgets and accounting, facility management, risk management, customer service, community relations, and fund raising.

Budget & Finance Systems in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 2213
Accounting trends as they relate to the sport and recreation industries will be covered. Financial decision-making, including cash management; ratio analysis; asset management; leverage; short, intermediate, and long-term financing will be the course focus. Economic theory will be applied to sport and recreation settings/organizations. Current trends in revenue production, including sponsorships, will be noted. Different types of budgets will be reviewed and students will learn the budget preparation and approval process.

Economics of Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 3216
This course examines the sport and recreation industries using microeconomic theory for analysis. The topics include league structure, organizational decision making, labor relations, incentive structures and facility financing.

Research in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 2217
This course will examine ways that research helps solve practical industry problems in recreation and sports. Topics will include problem identification, the logic of research, research designs, information search strategies, questionnaire development, and data analysis. Written and oral communication skills, as well as the use of data analysis software, will be stressed.

Marketing Management in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 3296
An analysis of essential marketing, promotion and sales principles as currently applied in the sport and recreation industries. Guidelines for formulating marketing goals and strategies, inclusive of target marketing, will be included. The marketing mix will be evaluated in terms of specific applications set in both industry segments. Trends, issues and problems influencing the industry will also be examined. Principles of salesmanship, sales techniques, sales strategies, and evaluation of sales performance in light of goal planning and objectives will be covered.

Law & Ethics in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 2212
This course is designed to address the legal and ethical aspects of sport, recreation, park resources, and leisure services. The course will address legal foundations and the legislative process; contracts and tort law; regulatory agents and methods of compliance; the principles and practices of safety, emergency, and risk management related to sport, recreation, park resources, and leisure services; ethical principles and professionalism in sport and recreation management; environmental ethics; legal issues and trends; and professional competence and professional development related to law and ethics in sport and recreation management.

Capstone – Current & Ethical Issues in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 4296
The purpose of this course is to examine current issues that are of concern to sport and recreation administrators. The student will gain a basic understanding of these issues and develop appropriate strategies for effectively dealing with these issues/problems. Students will be encouraged to take advocacy positions on certain issues that are addressed. The course will build on the competencies students have already developed in their earlier courses, which introduced them to current issues; professional ethics, rights, and responsibilities; concepts of morality; theories of ethics; ethical behavior; and ethical codes. Given their working knowledge, students will be called upon in class to identify solutions to current issues and to make ethical decisions when confronted with ethical dilemmas.

Major Electives | 6 Credits

Students are required to complete 6 credits of major electives. To offer students the ability to specialize these electives in a particular segment of the industry, students have the option of declaring a concentration in one of four areas: Event and Entertainment Management, Governance and Policy, Esports or Sport and Entertainment Promotion. To earn the concentration, students must complete three  elective courses within the particular concentration area.

Event & Entertainment Management Concentration
This concentration is for those students who are interested in the planning and execution of any events related to sport and recreation. Events range from road races, tournaments, and other participation-related events, professional and amateur sporting and leisure events, conferences, recreational events, festivals, and more. Students in this concentration are encouraged to find internships that focus on the development of these skills so that they are fully prepared to seamlessly adjust to working full-time for an event immediately upon graduation.
Foundations of Event and Entertainment Management | 3 Credits | STHM/EVEM 2401
This course provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the global events and entertainment industries. Topics will include the feasibility, viability and sustainability of the event and entertainment process, the strategic planning process, business development, human resource management, finance and budgeting, event creation and event orchestration, communications, and career development aspects of event and entertainment leaders.

The Event Experience | 3 Credits | STHM/EVEM 3415
This experience-based course will implement the principles of event and entertainment management. This course will provide students comprehensive insight into the facilitation of hands on event management. The experience course provides an experiential learning opportunity as students will develop, plan and execute an official STHM school event.

Event and Entertainment Operations | 3 Credits | STHM 3425

Event and Entertainment Revenues | 3 Credits | STHM/EVEM 3428
The financial sustainability of an event requires the adoption of a complex revenue model that extends beyond traditional sources of income (e.g., ticket sales). Consideration of alternate revenue sources such as sponsorship, fundraising and ancillary incomes are a requirement for successful event execution. This course will educate and apply principles of alternate revenue development. Revenue sources including sponsorship, fundraising and ancillary income will be presented and discussed. Throughout this course, students will learn through practical scenarios from real-life case studies, readings, lectures, discussions and industry professionals as guest speakers.

Esport Concentration
This concentration will provide students with foundational knowledge of the esports industry including elements of management and industry trends, legal and ethical challenges, digital media and fan engagement, and revenue production. Consumer demand for Esports and the growth of organized video game competitions has generated considerable attention from sport, event, and entertainment industries. As such, students who complete this concentration will be able to pursue a wide variety of job opportunities within this emerging industry.
Esports Management and Industry Trends | 3 Credits | SRM 3233
This course is an introduction to the nature, scope, and significance of the esports industry. In this course we will examine vital components of the esports ecosystem including key publishers, titles, teams, platforms, technology, and revenue sources. In addition, students will learn a variety of topics relevant to the business of esports, including esports consumers, professional and collegiate esports, legal and ethical concerns, as well as careers and future directions in the industry. The goal of this course is to give students a better understanding of the overall esports ecosystem, its trends, drivers of change, key stakeholders, and monetization.

Esports Legal and Ethical Challenges | 3 Credits | SRM 3234
This course is an introduction to the legal and ethical challenges of the esports industry. In this course, we will examine legal issues related to intellectual property, governance and regulatory frameworks, negotiating player contracts, and investment strategies. In addition, the course will explore ethical issues relevant to the business of esports, including legalized gambling, violence in video games, sexual discrimination, gaming addiction, and cheating. The goal of the course is to expose students to legal and ethical issues faced by those who operate in the esports industry and how to anticipate and address issues that present themselves in practice. The course will emphasize classroom participation.

Esports Social Media Management and Engagement | 3 Credits | SRM 3235
This course is designed to give students a foundation on the various digital media platforms, fan engagement strategies, and content production and management practices relevant to esports organizations and consumers. The skills learned in this course will enable students to create and develop relevant esports social media engagement strategies and related content creation and management strategies to engage esports consumers and optimize for each social media platform. This course contains an overview of (1) esports digital media management and consumer engagement; (2) esports fan engagement strategy and planning; (3) esports content management: image and video creation and management; (4) esports gaming content distribution platforms and fan engagement strategies: Twitch, Facebook Gaming, and YouTube Gaming; (5) esports communication and online community platforms and fan engagement strategies: Discord, TeamSpeak, Reddit, and Twitter; (6) customizing content for platforms and social media sharing sites: Instagram, Snap Chat, and Twitter; and (7) measuring social media engagement.

Esports Revenue Production | 3 Credits | SRM 3233
One of the fastest growing forms of entertainment in the world is esports, which are simply video game competitions. With over 2 billion video game players in the world, the video game industry is already bigger than the North America film and sports industries combined. Several esports professional teams have valuations like teams in the major pro sports. The esports industry needs revenue to flourish. Many of esports’ revenue sources mirror traditional sports, while some are unique. We will examine current revenue sources, as well as spotlight emerging and potential future sources of income. Many traditional sports are beloved for keeping change to a bare minimum, whereas esports is in a constant state of evolution, expansion, and reaction to the exponentially changing media consumption habits of today’s tech-thirsty younger generations.

Governance and Policy Concentration
This concentration will expose students to the structure and function of the complex organizations throughout public and private organizations, as well as professional and collegiate sport. Students can pick 3 courses from the following list:
Stadium/Arena Design and Management| 3 Credits | SRM 3215
The Stadium/Arena Design and Management course will require that students closely examine, condense, and digest information on planning, design, construction, and maintenance of stadiums and arenas which may be employed in athletics, leisure, sport, entertainment, recreation, and physical education. The students will prepare materials for class presentations, topics, and problems for discussion and analysis. The class will visit representative facility sites within the area.

Athletics Administration | 3 Credits | SRM 3221
The course covers the organization and implementation of college athletics. Theory, principles, and problem areas will be addressed. Goals and policies associated with the administration of college athletics will also be covered, along with the approaches to planning, organizing, directing, controlling, budgeting, and evaluating college athletic programs.

Global Sport Management | 3 Credits | SRM 3222
The course will cover the current issues related to both professional and collegiate sports. The specific topics will vary from semester to semester in order to address the most pressing issues facing professional and collegiate sports at the time. Issues such as rising costs of stadium and arena construction, increasing corporate involvement, increasing emphasis on younger athletes, increasing concern for security measures, increasing commercialization, increasing pressure for new technology, increasing multiculturalism, and increasing emphasis on benefits-based management will be covered.

Recreation & Leisure Service Management | 3 Credits | SRM 3225
This course will provide the knowledge required to formulate and manage effectively the resources in a public or private recreation or leisure service operation. Coordination of resources, inclusive of human, financial, physical, and technological, will be discussed. The course will expose the students to the typical programs and services provided by recreation and leisure service agencies. Emphasis will be placed on career opportunities and professional development.

Esports Management and Industry Trends | 3 Credits | SRM 3233
This course is an introduction to the nature, scope, and significance of the esports industry. In this course we will examine vital components of the esports ecosystem including key publishers, titles, teams, platforms, technology, and revenue sources. In addition, students will learn a variety of topics relevant to the business of esports, including esports consumers, professional and collegiate esports, legal and ethical concerns, as well as careers and future directions in the industry. The goal of this course is to give students a better understanding of the overall esports ecosystem, its trends, drivers of change, key stakeholders, and monetization.

Sport and Entertainment Promotion Concentration
This concentration will expose students to the various elements of marketing that are crucial in today’s sport and recreation industries, including sales, sponsorship, new media and communications strategies, and consumer research. The sport and recreation industry provides access to a wide variety of marketing and sales jobs so students should pursue one or more of these opportunities through their internship experience. Students can pick 3 courses from the following list:
Media & Communications in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 3224
The purpose of this class is to give an overview of sports information and media relations as they pertain to collegiate and professional sports. The class will go into detail on how professional teams and institutions deal with the media, including: strategic planning, placement of stories, holding media conferences, writing press releases, oversight of web sites, handling sensitive situations, and game operations.

Consumer Behavior in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 3226
Marketing strategies designed to increase and sustain consumer demand for sport and recreation products and services rely upon an understanding of the individual consumer. This course will examine a variety of personal, psychological and socio-environmental factors that influence attendance and participation in sport and recreation and related consumption behaviors of media usage, purchase of merchandise, and travel. The course will also explore processes that operate within the consumer to understand how individuals make decisions to spend available resources of time and money on sport and recreation consumption activities.

Advanced Marketing for Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 3227
Sport marketing has changed dramatically as the result of increasing competition and environmental change. This course takes a system approach and is designed to extend students’ knowledge and experience in marketing of sport and athletic events by first understanding the nature of competition within the industry; second, by understanding the role of information technology; and third, by developing extensive analytic skills.

Sales Management in Sport & Recreation | 3 Credits | SRM 3228
This course will examine the diverse and complex nature of sales within sport and recreation settings. We will introduce basic sales and customer satisfaction concepts and techniques, and then see how they are applied in sport and recreation organizations. Students will be exposed to the sales process through lectures, readings, and assignments.

Esports Management and Industry Trends | 3 Credits | SRM 3233
This course is an introduction to the nature, scope, and significance of the esports industry. In this course we will examine vital components of the esports ecosystem including key publishers, titles, teams, platforms, technology, and revenue sources. In addition, students will learn a variety of topics relevant to the business of esports, including esports consumers, professional and collegiate esports, legal and ethical concerns, as well as careers and future directions in the industry. The goal of this course is to give students a better understanding of the overall esports ecosystem, its trends, drivers of change, key stakeholders, and monetization.

General Education Requirements | 35-36 credits

In addition to the required courses and major electives, first-year students must complete the General Education curriculum, consisting of 11 courses in 9 different areas.

  • Analytical Reading & Writing | 1 course, 4 credits
  • Mosaic Humanities Seminar I & II | 2 courses, 3 credits each
  • Quantitative Literacy | 1 course, 4 credits
  • Arts | 1 course, 3 or 4 credits
  • Human Behavior | 1 course, 3 credits
  • Race & Diversity | 1 course, 3 credits
  • Science & Technology | 2 courses, 3 credits each
  • Global/World Society | 1 course, 3 credits
  • U.S. Society | 1 course, 3 credits

4+1 PROGRAM: Receive a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in 5 years

The 4+1 accelerated degree program consists of a minimum of 112 semester hours of undergraduate coursework and a maximum of 12 semester hours of graduate coursework to count towards both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. Upon successful completion of the fourth year, students will receive a Bachelor of Science in Sport and Entertainment Management. In the fifth year, students will complete 24 credits of master’s coursework to complete the graduate degree requirements. At the end of the contiguous fifth year, students will receive a Master of Science in Sport Business.