Please note that if you are anticipating completing your degree requirements in the summer (Sunday, August 11, 2019 diploma date), the graduation application site is now open. The deadline for completing the graduation application is listed as May 18th, but will remain open through June 15th.
All undergraduates and graduates are required to apply for graduation online. If you submitted an application for a prior graduation but did not complete your requirements, you must submit another application for August.
To access the application:
- Log into TUPortal
- Click on “Student Tools” near the top of the page.
- Click on the “Records” channel, normally located on the right side of the page under the “Registration” channel.
- Click on the “Apply to Graduate” button and follow the instructions.
- Before submitting, verify that all your program information is listed correctly on your application:
- Your major(s), minor(s), and certificates.
- Please be sure that your name is spelled and punctuated exactly as you want it to appear on your diploma.
- If any information is incorrect, please contact your advisor before submitting your application.
- Once you have submitted a graduation application through Self-Service Banner, click on View Graduation Application and review the information to be sure that it is correct.
Attention: Effective December 2018 and going forward, the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management will no longer hold a summer graduation ceremony. Instead, anticipated summer graduates are invited to participate in the preceding May, or the upcoming December ceremony, based on eligibility.
The Fall 2019 Graduation ceremony for undergraduate and graduate students is scheduled for Friday, December 20, 2019, at 9:30 AM in the Temple Performing Arts Center.