
STHM Alumni

Whether it’s attending local events, sharing your story, or giving back to the school that shaped your past, present and future, there are a variety of ways you can continue to be involved with the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM), no matter how far you may be from the Temple nest.

STHM Alumni Association

When you graduate you are automatically a member of the STHM Alumni Association. There are NO dues and NO requirements outside of graduating from STHM.

Alumni Newsletter

Keep up with the School and your fellow alumni. Ensure you are receiving our alumni newsletter and read past editions.

"*" indicates required fields

Share Your Story

We want to hear the history, perspective, ideas and insight that only our alumni can provide. Submit your story and tell us about your career, passion, or contribution to the sport, tourism and hospitality industry.

"*" indicates required fields

Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, Max. file size: 10 MB.

Make a Gift

Do you remember the network and support that helped you achieve these milestones as a student? You can be an integral part of today’s STHM students success.

Connect with Us

Kelly O’Donnell
Director, Alumni Relations
Phone: 215 204 4110

Dave Gerson
President, STHM Alumni Association LinkedIn