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STHM Graduate Professional Development Series

The STHM Graduate Professional Development Series focuses on enhancing the understanding and practical execution of foundational professional development needs for internship and post graduate career opportunities. This series includes required programming in four  key areas of professional development including resumes, cover letters and interviewing as well as internship preparation and execution. Supplemental workshops are offered each semester in similar areas for enhanced learning and exploration within professional development.

Duration: Between 30 – 90 minutes and are conducted by STHM CSPD Staff/Faculty/Alumni. These series are offered during new student orientation, and also during the fall, spring and summer sessions.

Required Professional Development Series

  1. Graduate Internship Information SessionTarget audience:  Students preparing to complete the Graduate Internship course – MSSB, MSTT, MSHM Programs

    Content:  Educate students on the intent and purpose of internship experience on-site as well as the course/academic requirements. Provide an overview of processes for course and internship approval, application materials, policies, and deadlines; as well as review of basic expectations and resources.

  2. Cover Letter WritingTarget audience:  All first year STHM Graduate students – MSSB and MSHM Programs

    Content:  Educate students on the basic principles and requirements of an effective cover letter.  The session will review content required in each of the paragraphs and the importance of connecting the letter to the position they are applying for.

  3. Strategic InterviewingTarget audience: All first year STHM Graduate students – MSSB and MSHM Programs

    Content:  The Strategic Interviewing workshop helps students best understand the types of interviews, relevance of professional interviewing, and best practices as to preparing for, executing and managing interview experiences including but not limited to research, communication, questions/answers, and follow up methods.

  4. Enhanced Resume Development 1.0Target audience: All first year STHM Graduate students – MSSB and MSHM Programs

    Content: Participants will gain an understanding of graduate student level resume outlines/formats, are introduced to best practices for enhanced resume development and execution and learn how to communicate direct and indirect experiences into engaging content

Additional Professional Development Workshops

Graduate Peer to Peer Mock Interviewing 

Target audience: All STHM MSSB and MSHM Graduate students

Content: Students engage in peer to peer interviewing practice and feedback experiences.

Resume Development 2.0: Strategic Content Development

Target audience: All STHM MSSB and MSHM Graduate students

Content:  Participants learn how to deconstruct internship and job descriptions based on skills, competencies and requirements in an effort to educate students on more enhanced, intentional and strategic resume and cover letter content development and stronger approaches to interviewing. This workshop is designed to assist students with both direct and indirect professional experiences including recent graduates, career changes and those seeking advancement in their field.

Job/Internship Search Strategies:

Target audience: All STHM Graduate students

Content: Participants learn about strategic and organized job/internship search strategies and best practices, resources for search management and resources for more intentional and tailored position searches. This includes organization, communication/networking, application tracking and management and follow up processes.

Graduate Student Networking

Target audience: All STHM Graduate students

Content: Participants gain an understanding of the purpose and intent of strategic professional networking, best practices, and unique approaches to networking. Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to engage in peer to peer practice and receive feedback.


Target audience: All THM Graduate students

Content: Students learn formatting, content sharing and leveraging best practices for utilizing LinkedIn as a career management tool.