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Earn an affordable undergraduate degree from the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM) and begin your career path. You’ll receive practical business knowledge combined with industry-specific coursework, delivered by esteemed faculty who are experts in their field.

STHM has a longstanding tradition of preparing professionals with the power to lead tomorrow’s industry. As a student, you’ll gain an innovative perspective and enter the workforce with professional polish and know-how.


Temple University is a state-related institution in Pennsylvania. Tuition rates are determined by a student’s residency status and program.

Tuition Calculator

View the current Temple University tuition rates and utilize the tuition calculator to estimate your tuition rate. Select your student level (college applicant or college student), state of residency, school or college (School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management) and credit hours.

The tuition calculator should be used to calculate tuition by semester. For the Bachelor of Science in Sport and Entertainment Management, those enrolling full-time should estimate 15-credits per semester.

Course materials such as textbooks are not included; textbooks and course materials typically cost approximately $100 per course.

Tuition Calculator


The Fly in 4 partnership guarantees that you can complete your degree on time—or Temple will pay for your remaining coursework. Like most partnerships, both sides have to do their parts for it to work. To assist you, Temple provides the resources you need to graduate in four years, such as academic advising and classes offered when you need them.

The best part? There is no penalty if you opt out of the agreement or if you take longer than four years to graduate.


At STHM and Temple University, students from all walks of life can access a college education. Focused on every student’s success, Temple University provides assistance in a number of ways.

  • 70% of eligible first-year students receive need-based aid.
  • All students are automatically considered for academic scholarships.
  • In recent years, more than half of Temple students were offered merit-based scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to full tuition.

In addition to the university’s reasonable tuition rates, you may be eligible for a number of financial-aid and assistance options. These include scholarships, grants, loans and work-study programs. The university offers other types of aid, such as employer tuition remission and veterans’ benefits.

The goal is to make it financially possible for every qualified applicant to enroll and pursue your dreams. Explore all of the opportunities available and apply early for financial aid.

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