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Corporate Recruiting & Networking Opportunities

The School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Mangement (STHM) at Temple University provides many opportunities for industry partners and businesses to have an on-campus presence and promote their brand. These opportunities include networking events, career days, on-campus visits, on-site visits, sponsored events and other opportunities.

Career Day

Each year, STHM hosts a Career Day where industry partners have an opportunity to visit campus and meet prospective interns, future employees, and faculty and staff. STHM students come prepared to partake in meaningful conversations with professionals from across the Greater Philadelphia region. Career Day provides students with a fantastic chance to network, seek internships, schedule interviews and find out more about the sport, recreation, tourism and hospitality fields from industry leaders. Additionally, the event is managed and executed by undergraduate students pursuing an Event Leadership Certificate, giving them an opportunity to apply their learnings in a real-world environment.

Networking Seminar

During the spring semester, a Networking Seminar is hosted to give industry partners an opportunity to connect with students in an informal setting. The sport, recreation, tourism and hospitality community is invited to a program featuring roundtable discussions with students. Industry participants have the opportunity to sit with groups of students interested in learning from them during 15-minute rotations. Specific issues and topics affecting the industry are identified by students in advance. Industry participants expose students to opportunities within their industry, assist with setting realistic expectations and answer questions. Students, in turn, learn about industry trends, develop a professional mindset and practice marketing themselves for industry opportunities.