R. Aubrey Kent

School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management
Office Location
Speakman Hall 306

Dr. Aubrey Kent joined the Temple faculty in 2008 after serving for the previous 9 years as director and graduate coordinator of the sport management program at Florida State University. Upon arriving at Temple, he was the founding director of the Sport Industry Research Center (SIRC), served from 2010-16 as the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management’s Chairperson and served as the Associate Dean for the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management in the 2016-17 academic year. He holds a faculty appointment jointly in the Department of Sport and Recreation Management in the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management and the Human Resource Management Department in the Fox School of Business and Management.

Over his career, Dr. Kent has focused his sport industry research in the area of industrial/organizational psychology and more recently in the area of corporate social responsibility. Dr. Kent is a past-president of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and was inducted in 2006 as a NASSM Research Fellow. His scholarly work has been published in numerous journals, including the Journal of Sport Management, European Journal of Sport Management, Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Coaching Science, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, North American Journal of Psychology, Management Decision, Journal of Education for Business and the Journal of Business Ethics. He has presented his work to audiences around the world, including conferences and workshops throughout the United States and Canada, South America and Europe.

Dr. Kent has supervised 15 completed doctoral dissertations in sport management, including four NASSM research award winners. He teaches courses in management, strategy and current issues in sport and has taught several groups in Europe through international study programs. His industry work through SIRC includes project reports provided for the PGA TOUR, NFL and NHL, as well as extensive program evaluation work for non-profit youth development sport organizations through a partnership with the Philadelphia Youth Sports Collaborative.